Formal Wilderness

A sylvan type?
‘Formal wilderness’ is a ‘sylvan’ land type with the potential to take site-specific forms for contemporary urban landscapes: gardens, parks, streets. Meeting city dwellers’ need for cultivation places, and at the same time their need for wildness formal wilderness could be describe as the collision of landscape elements (vegetation, rock, water etc) in spontaneous fractal patterns and processes of nature, together with a few strictly cultivated elements formed in basic geometries of line, square, grid and circle. A very simple and very ancient aesthetic; sometimes intentional, often not.

Hawthorn allée
Though hawthorn (Crataegus mongyna)  isn’t the obvious choice for creating an allee I’m interested in its potential in ‘formal wilderness ‘so Ive planted ten bare root whips 30mm apart along the longest axis of my garden boundary.